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I Finally Started My YouTube Dream

Hi Guys! It has been a while since you've heard from me. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded for a long time. I have a lot on draft but I forgot to upload it sooo...I'm so sorry. I was too busy with school and I took my time off to actually focus since it was quite a tough school year. But well, I'm finally here uploading a blog and shamelessly promoting my YouTube channel!!

So to the few of you who have read my "50 Facts About Me" blog, you would know that I've always wanted to start my own YouTube channel. I wanted to start uploading on YouTube since I was 13 but I was too shy and I didn't really have enough confidence to actually upload. I have been filming since I was 13 to be honest with you but I never really had the guts to upload them because I was too scared to be judged. However, as time goes by I realized that it really is my passion and that I actually enjoy it so why should I let my fear hold me back. So I actually got out of my comfort zone and I uploaded my first ever YouTube video which is called "What I Bought in Manila." I would actually love it if you guys watch my video. I hope you guys could also like and subscribe to my channel and support me through my YouTube journey. You guys could also leave a comment if you want to and share it with your friends. I'll try to blog more for you guys since I have missed creating content that I love for you guys!


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