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Top 10 Favourite Films

Well I'm pretty sure everyone has their favourite films of all time. One you'll never get tired or bored of watching because it always feels like the first time. I'm basically going to talk a bit about each one of them and if you haven't watched any of these, try watching one and tell me whether you like it or not.
1. The Notebook - This is probably one of my ultimate favourite films of all time. I'm that girls who loves romantic films. It may seem boring to some but I enjoy it a lot. It's just a very nice story about two people who love each other so much that even though Allie's parents don't like Noah at all, she still fought for it until the end. I think that it takes a lot of guts to do such a thing.

2. Harry Potter - Also another favourite of mine. Well I basically tuned into each of the series because the story is so interesting and I admire the bravery of Harry Potter. I am also a big fan of Emma Watson which is another reason why I tune into this film a lot. Everything about this film is just beautiful. It is actually a dream of mine to go to the Harry Potter studios in the UK. Hope that won't stay just a dream.

3. Titanic - A film that never fails to make me cry. It's just like the story of The Notebook where parents do not agree of the man, but here Rose's mother does not like Jack but she did not listen because she loves Jack so much. The ending breaks my heart every single time.

4. Tinker Bell - This might be a bit childish but I love Tinker Bell so much. I even have a Tinker Bell t-shirt. It's just a nice story about friendship and doing what you really want to do. It's a movie I never get tired of because each character has their time to shine in each movie that they release. It makes you realize what true friends are really like.

5. Pitch Perfect - One of my favourite films of all time. Since I'm very in to music, I'll surely love any film that involves songs. I also love that their music is in with the generation which is a reason why I think it is a very big hit. It is also a nice film that talks about friendship, love, and pursuing dreams.

6. High School Musical - Probably one of everyone's favourite musical. Who never fell in love with Troy Bolton? I mean he was just everyone's crush way back then. Never a boring film since their songs are original and catchy. Even their dances are something people do. And just like Pitch Perfect, it's a beautiful film about friendship, love, and pursuing dreams.

7. Parent Trap - Probably one of the best Disney film that there is. For those who haven't watched this yet, you're totally missing out. I love it simply because it involves twins and I have always wanted to have a twin but it doesn't run in our family. It's just a nice story of two twins who were separated because their parents broke up yet they met in summer camp. I won't give the ending to those who haven't watched this yet but you will surely love it.

8. Bride Wars - A film that I never get bored of watching. It's basically a best friend turned enemy type of movie because of their wedding. It is a very fun movie to watch. Basically a life lesson type of film. Do not mess with your friends. Ever.

9. Percy Jackson - A very fascinating film I must say. I wish they would make a movie out of each book because the story is honestly so nice. And who doesn't love a film about gods and goddesses right?

10. Hachi: A Dog's Tale - Another film that never fails to make me cry. I looked like a waterfall when I watched this film. People were like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" This film basically manifests the saying, "A dog is a man's best friend." Being a dog owner, I really believe in that saying. Sometimes I tell my dog my problem. I feel like she gets me. That might sound weird but it works for me. Plus it's a true story which breaks my heart even more.

So those are my top 10 favourite films of all time. Have you watched all of them? And if not, try watching them and tell me what you think. I'd also love to hear what your favourite films are because I want to watch more films this summer so just leave a comment down below.

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